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Tony Northey

Tony joined Bli Bli Little Athletics in 1989 with his two sons Jonathan and Andrew.

He was Assistant Centre Manager for five years before stepping into the role of Centre Manager for a further eight years. He also held committee positions of Coaching Coordinator and Program Officer. Tony was awarded Life Membership of Bli Bli in 2001 and is still involved in his Centre to this day.

At Zone / Regional level, Tony held the position of Zone / Regional Coordinator, Arena Manager, Track Referee, Starter, Timekeeper and Place Judge.

Over the years, Tony officiated at LAQ competitions in the roles of Starter, Timekeeper and Place Judge. He was also the Arena Manager for two years.

Tony was elected to the QLAA Board as Competition Director from 2002 to 2004 and during this time on the Board, Tony rewrote many of the QLA competition programs. Following this, Tony took a break from the Board and refocussed on his Centre. He attended LAQ Conferences and AGM’s as one of Bli Bli’s delegates. Then, in 2008, Tony was elected as LAQ President, a position he held until 2016.

In 2003, Tony received an LAQ Merit Award. In 2006, he received the LAQ Distinguished Merit Award and in 2016, he was awarded Life Membership of LAQ.

His achievements include:

  • 2001 International Year of Volunteer Certificate of Recognition
  • 2003 LAA Certificate of Appreciation
  • 2006 Commonwealth Baton Relay Runner

Outside of Little Athletics, Tony was:

  • President of the Bli Bli P&C for two years
  • President (two years) and Vice President (eight years) of the Bli Bli Hall & Community Association
  • President of Bli Bli Sporting Body Association for five years
  • Treasurer of Bli Bli Masters Association for four years

Tony’s focus is now with his family, where he is enjoying being a grandparent to his two young grandchildren. Who knows, maybe one day the next generation of Northey’s will become members of Bli Bli Little Athletics!